The system challenge

Evidence alone doesn’t drive change – it’s how it’s applied in practice that makes the difference.

To truly improve outcomes for young people, we need to learn from real-world implementation.

Our aim

The more we collaborate with delivery organisations, the more we refine our understanding of what works, strengthening the evidence base and increasing its impact over time.

Using evidence from our Youth Employment Toolkit, we are working with partners to puts these insights into practice.

What are we doing?

Evidence into Action is a learning and funding opportunity for voluntary sector delivery organisations in England.


We have awarded eight UK-based organisations grants of up to £75,000 per year to design, deliver, and evaluate on and off-the-job training activities to support young people.

We will also provide learning and development support.


To deepen understanding of what works for youth employment, we will commission an evaluation partner to assess the program’s effectiveness.

Youth Inclusion

Our approach is shaped with an advisory group of young people and practitioners.

Programme overview

Phase 1 - 2025

Learning and developmentRead more about Phase 1 - 2025

Activities in the first year will include:

  1. A six-month learning journey of workshops and one-to-one consultations to understand evidence-based approaches, supported by a dedicated learning partner 
  2. Six months to apply the learning in practice through developing, testing and piloting approaches  
  3. Capacity building with strategic infrastructure partner, Action for Race Equality
  4. Support to develop plans and budgets for phase 2
  5. Evaluation across the year

Phase 2 - 2026 & 2027

Delivery and evaluationRead more about Phase 2 - 2026 & 2027

Additional funding of up to £75,000 per year, for up to two years will support:

  1. Delivery of activities developed in phase 1 
  2. Cotinued evaluation

Programme aims

As the What Works centre for youth employment, we want to:

  • Improve knowledge mobilisation in the youth employment sector
  • Support practitioners, employers, funders, and commissioners in understanding and implementing evidence-informed change in the way they do things to enable young people to thrive

Meet the partners


Evidence into Action  · 

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MEaP (Making Education a Priority) provides additional educational support and opportunities for young people in the Manchester area to help them achieve their goals and become successful members of their community.

The programme offers a space for young people to learn, revision support and tutoring for core subjects, and career guidance. It emphasies the importance of cultural heritage and community involvement.

Working with Youth Futures

As part of our Evidence into Action programme, the charity will develop and pilot an on and off-the-job training programme focused on the digital, tech and creative industries.

Ultra Education

Evidence into Action  · 

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Ultra Education
Delivery partner

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Ultra Education aims to improve the learning and development of disadvantaged young people from Black and minoritised communities in Brent, London by enhancing their career prospects, breaking family cycles of exclusion, low pay, poverty.

It provides training via entrepreneurial and employability workshops with various sector focuses and partners with employers to provide work experience and/or placements alongside in-house employability support programmes.

Working with Youth Futures

As part of our Evidence into Action programme, the charity will pilot on and off-the-job training for the fundraising sector.

Sports Key

Evidence into Action  · 

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Sports Key
Delivery partner

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Birmingham-based Sports Key provides a platform for individual development, particularly for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, and supports a healthier, more cohesive and active community.

It currently delivers:

  1. Community sports programmes enabling accessible and affordable fitness for underserved communities to increase levels of physical activity amongst communities most inactive.
  2. A 12-month youth enterprise offer for young people at risk of falling into the criminal justice system which aims to increase participants employment prospects through a series mentoring, skills development workshops, volunteering and employment opportunities (as sessional workers with Sports Key’s community sports programme).
  3. A community of practice to engage a network of black leaders from diverse sectors and facilitate capacity building workshops around sharing best practice, governance and funding.

Working with Youth Futures

As part of our Evidence into Action programme, the charity aims to strengthen and expand its offer.

Rise Up

Evidence into Action  · 

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Rise Up
Delivery partner

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Rise Up is a youth employment charity supporting marginalised young people aged 16-30 from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds across Greater Manchester.

It offers a tailored 12-week programme involving 1-1 mentoring, skills development in CV writing and interview preparation, as well as training to attain Level 2 Work Skills and BTEC qualifications.

Young people then enter a 3-6-month paid placement to gain real world experience, supported by industry mentors.

Working with Youth Futures

As part of our Evidence into Action programme, the charity aims to strengthen and expand its on and off-the-job training offer.

Punch Records

Evidence into Action  · 

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Punch Records
Delivery partner

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Punch Records works directly with young people (aged 16-29) across the West Midlands where it aims to transform lives through music via its flagship creative development programme Gallery37.

Working with Youth Futures

As part of our Evidence into Action programme, the charity will deliver Gallery37 ​is a creative development programme investing in Birmingham and its young artists through masterclasses, commissions, residencies and workshops

Miss Macaroon

Evidence into Action  · 

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Miss Macaroon
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Miss Macaroon supports 18 to 35 year olds from underserved backgrounds across Birmingham who face barriers to entering the workforce and have been unemployed for more than six months.

The programme integrates on-the-job training at their commercial bakery with off-the-job workshops and training sessions and a holistic package of wellbeing support.

Since establishment in 2011, their programme has supported over 200 young people and 75% of participants transition to employment on programme completion.

Working with Youth Futures

As part of our Evidence into Action programme, the charity aims to scale up its impact by expanding partnerships and refining its training offer based on evidence.

IMO Charity

Evidence into Action  · 

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IMO Charity
Delivery partner

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IMO Charity’s mission is to enable people of South Asian heritage to improve their quality of life and be more resilient. IMO stands for “Inspire, Motivate, Overcome”.

It works in Blackburn with Darwen, primarily in communities experiencing serious challenges due to deep-rooted socioeconomic deprivation, to support young people aged 16-24 .

Working with Youth Futures

As part of our Evidence into Action programme, IMO plan to support young people into cyber and technology careers with employer partnerships that offer buddy support and facilitate Off-the-job training sessions.

IMO previously partnered with us on Connected Futures.

Fully Focused

Evidence into Action  · 

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Fully Focused
Delivery partner

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Fully Focused is a youth-driven production company supporting the next generation of filmmakers and underrepresented talent to make award-winning, high-impact film, TV and online content.

The Level Up (training) Programme provides on-the-job and off-the-job training supporting all key roles and departments including production, camera, sound and post-production.

Every commission enables young people to gain valuable experience, paid employment and transferable skills whilst simultaneously injecting every brief with an authentic youth voice.

Working with Youth Futures

As part of our Evidence into Action programme, Future Focus will pilot two vocational training programmes:

  1. Digital media content creation and management
  2. Intro to Production

"A key aim of the Evidence into Action programme is to understand how practitioners can effectively take learning from relevant studies and apply it to supporting young people within their own context.

“We look forward to utilising our Youth Employment Toolkit to create systemic change across the sector, by encouraging practitioners and funders to take a ‘what works’ approach.”

Barry Fletcher – CEO, Youth Futures Foundation

Got a question?

Contact our Grants team

Learn more

Explore the current international evidence on the impact, cost and effectiveness of common interventions designed to help young people get into work.

What is on-the-job training?

Learning that takes place primarily in the workplace, and alongside or embedded with paid or unpaid work.

What is off-the-job training?

Learning that takes place primarily outside the workplace, for example in a classroom or workshop.