On-the-job training
On-the-job training aims to develop young people’s vocational skills for specific jobs and sectors through learning that takes place primarily in the workplace, and alongside or embedded with paid or unpaid work.
On-the-job training aims to develop young people’s vocational skills for specific jobs and sectors through learning that takes place primarily in the workplace, and alongside or embedded with paid or unpaid work.
The research suggests that on-the-job training is likely to have a moderate positive impactThe impact rating indicates whether interventions of this kind, on average, make it more likely that young people will get a job afterwards. This rating is based on the level of impact that youth employment interventions can generally be expected to have. More information can be found in the Toolkit Technical Guide on youth employment outcomes, as a component A component is one kind of activity within a programme that includes multiple different kinds of activity to support youth employment (possibly alongside other outcomes) for young people. Most of the studies included in the research for the Toolkit evaluate programmes that consist of multiple components. The use of a component network meta-analysis allowed the researchers to identify the impact of each component in a larger programme that was evaluated.’ of a youth employment intervention. The research suggests that on-the-job training is likely to have a very high impact on employment outcomes for young people who face additional barriers Young people identified in the research as facing additional barriers to employment as well as being at risk of educational, social and economic disadvantage. This includes – among others – young people living with a disability, those with current or former experience with the out-of-home care system, and those with current or former experience with the criminal justice system in the labour market.
On-the-job training, or in-work training, consists of a structured programme designed to develop skills for a specific occupation and/or sector, primarily through activities undertaken in the workplace. In the research for the Toolkit, the term applies to:
The following were not defined as on-the-job training, and are not included in this summary:
In on-the-job training, young people gain practical experience of the workplace, and of working in a sector. They may receive instruction from dedicated trainers, staff with a specialism in training, managers, or a combination of these. Sometimes young people who take part may gain a qualification or credit towards a qualification, but this is not an essential feature of on-the-job training interventions.
On-the-job training may be delivered alongside off-the-job training, basic skills training, life skills training, mentoring or coaching, and other interventions. It may be paid, unpaid, or subsidised.
In the UK, traineeships are a common form of on-the-job training. These are work placements of 70 or more hours, in which learners are supported to develop vocational skills that will help them to progress within their chosen sector, including skills to support progression towards an apprenticeship. They also receive training in basic skills and skills for finding a job.
The cost rating for on-the-job training is high.
The research suggests that on-the-job training is likely to have a moderate positive The impact rating indicates whether interventions of this kind, on average, make it more likely that young people will get a job afterwards. This rating is based on the level of impact that youth employment interventions can generally be expected to have. More information can be found in the Toolkit Technical Guide on youth employment outcomes, as a component of a youth employment intervention.
The research suggests that, on average, for every 12 young people who can take part in a programme, one will get a job who wouldn’t have done so without the intervention.
The confidence intervalIndicates the precision of a statistical estimate. The ‘confidence interval’ is the range within which the vast majority of values for a population (such as the people who experience an intervention) are likely to occur. identified for this estimate means that this number could vary between little impact on employment and around 6 depending on a range of factors including how the intervention is implemented.
The research findings suggest that the average impact could be higher when on-the-job training is offered as a standalone intervention or with another type of intervention. However the evidence base for this latter finding is very limited.
The research suggests that on-the-job training is likely to have a very high positive impact on youth employment outcomes for young people who face additional barriers to employment. This includes young people living with a disability, young people who have been involved with the justice system, or young people with experience of the care system.
The research suggests that, on average, for every two young people who can take part in a programme, one will get a job who wouldn’t have done so without the intervention. The confidence interval identified for this effect means that in some cases for every three young people who can take part, one will get a job who wouldn’t have done so otherwise.
The impact rating does not reflect the impact of on-the-job training on any other outcomes for young people.
The review included only studies of short on-the-job training programmes that are provided as a targeted intervention to improve youth employment. It did not include on-the-job training courses that young people followed as part of a universal education system. Some targeted programmes offer young people the option of joining programmes of this kind where they are available as part of a universal education offer. Others let young people use credit for learning gained during the intervention to earn a qualification at a later stage.
You can find details of individual studies of evaluations that include on-the-job training, as well as other systematic reviews of youth employment evaluations, in the Youth Employment Evidence and Gap Map.
The strength of the evidenceThe evidence strength rating reflects the number of studies that included the intervention and the design and approach to reporting of these studies. More information can be found in the Toolkit Technical Guide for the impact of on-the-job training on youth employment compared to ‘servicesThe terms ‘business as usual’ and ‘services as usual’ refer to the provisions that an individual would have received had they not been enrolled in that particular intervention. In experimental designs they are used to signify what happens in the absence of a studied intervention. is low.
The network meta-analysis Network meta-analysis is a statistical method used to compare the impact of multiple interventions at the same time. A component network meta-analysis allows researchers to identify the impact of individual components within a multi-component intervention on a particular outcome (in this case, whether young people got a job). of evaluation findings for the Youth Employment Toolkit includes seven evaluations of youth employment programmes including on-the-job training that are compared with for young people, in high-income countries. Five of these were conducted in the USA, and the rest were conducted in Europe. The international nature of the evidence means that the findings may not translate directly to the UK context.
An assessment using the Campbell Secretariat’s Critical Appraisal Tool suggests generally low confidence in their findings. This rating may reflect the way in which the studies are reported, rather than the way they were conducted. The small number of studies also contributes to the low rating.
Further evaluations of on-the-job training interventions in a UK context, in particular those provided to young people who face additional barriers to employment, would be of great value in identifying the most effective approaches to recruitment, design and delivery.
Other reviews of the evidence on youth employment interventions have identified a similar level of impact for programmes whose major component is vocational skills training. For example:
These programmes often include other components alongside vocational skills training. The impact of other components is separated from that of on-the-job training in the research for the Toolkit.
Relatively few studies in the UK evaluate on-the-job training. A 2019 evaluation of Traineeships found positive impacts on progression to apprenticeships and further Level 2 learning for young people aged 16-23.
On-the-job training aims to help young people gain technical knowledge and skills for specific jobs and/or sectors. They also get practical experience of the workplace and the kinds of activity that the job involves. Young people who complete on-the-job training are more likely to be offered jobs that are relevant to their training – or, indeed, offered a job at all. They offer a higher level of skills to potential employers, and can show their suitability for the work. They may also be more motivated to work in these kinds of role because they know first-hand what the job is like. Some young people may decide not to pursue an unsuitable career path following the work experience gained during an on-the-job training intervention.
The following summary draws on information about the programmes that are evaluated in the studies included in the network meta-analysis of evaluation findings, as well as studies in the Youth Futures Evidence and Gap Map, a review by the IES for Youth Futures, and other publications. Please note that for the most part these reflections are not grounded in the kind of rigorous evaluation approach which underpins the quantitative findings in the meta-analysis, but instead reflect qualitative findings.
Recruitment that fosters good learner-to-programme matching
Some programmes use recruitment approaches that aim to match on-the-job training opportunities closely with young people’s interests and motivations. These may include:
An orientation phase can also help young people to form clear and realistic expectations of the programme, and build group cohesion between learners.
Programme content and design
Programme content and design varies depending on the sector in which young people engage in on-the-job training. Some of the approaches described include:
Partnerships with youth and community organisations can help programme designers to understand specific needs and apply this knowledge to programme design.
Modelling workplace culture and behaviours
Programmes may integrate learning about the world of work with vocational and job-specific skills development. This helps learners prepare for employment, and also differentiates on-the-job training from school—which is important for young people who have had poor experiences in compulsory education. For example:
Alignment with local opportunities and skills needs
Many programmes align their content closely with opportunities and skills needs in the local labour market. This relies on strong partnerships with local employers as well as good-quality labour market intelligence. Approaches include:
In the UK context, the Unit for Future Skills has been established to improve understanding of current skill mismatches and future demand across the UK, and the Local Skills Dashboard provides detailed information.
Partnerships with employers
Programmes frequently include a strong partnership with employers in the local area where an intervention is delivered. This may include:
The research indicates that employer partnerships can be resource-intensive to set up and maintain. Successful examples often build on existing relationships and collaborations.
On-the-job training for young people who face additional barriers to employment
The network meta-analysis found that on-the-job training can have a very high impact on employment outcomes for young people who face additional barriers to employment. This includes young people living with a disability, and/or young people with known additional risks of marginalisation, such as experience of the care system, a mental health condition, or current or former experiences of the youth justice system.
The research did not include a systematic review of the literature on how best to develop and implement programmes for young people in these groups. The following account presents some of the key features of the programmes in the research.
Provision and support designed for young people who face additional barriers to engagement
The following approaches to bespoke design are described:
Working with autistic young people
The following design features were noted in programme for autistic young people. Note that this is a description of the relevant programmes; the features described were not subjected to individual comparative evaluations to assess their impact on outcomes.
Programme design
Letting employers observe autistic young people over time and in different professional situations lets these learners demonstrate their work ethic and the value they add as employees. In turn, greater employer understanding builds ‘buy in’ for the employment of autistic young people.
Explore how employers can transform the lives of marginalised young people through on-the-job-training.
Explore how employers can transform the lives of marginalised young people through on-the-job training.
The Toolkit includes references to third party research and publications which Youth Futures Foundation is not responsible for, and cannot guarantee the accuracy of.
If you have feedback or a question about the Toolkit, please get in touch.