We translate robust research from our Youth Employment Toolkit into digestible insights and meaningful recommendations to help employers of all sizes maximise the impact of investments and decisions.

Toolkit Unwrapped: An Employer's Guide

What is Toolkit Unwrapped?

Developed specifically for employers, our Toolkit Unwrapped series provides a breakdown of what works to support marginalised young people find and keep good-quality work. It pairs high-quality evidence from our Youth Employment Toolkit with examples of practice, tailored guidance and practical action plans to bring learnings to life.

What is the Youth Employment Toolkit?

A free and interactive online tool designed to help change agents access and make use of the latest youth employment data and research.

It summarises current international evidence on the impact, cost and effectiveness of common activities used to help young people get into work, using findings from large-scale synthesis of high-quality impact evaluations.

Want to know more?

Discover more resources on our Employer Hub or get in touch with our Employer Engagement team.