Our Vision is a society where every young person can achieve good work. 

Our Mission is to ensure marginalised young people can secure and thrive in good work, by finding out What Works and driving change in policy and practice. 

What we do

We find and generate high-quality evidence to better understand England’s youth unemployment and inactivity challenge, and to learn what solutions work to address this.  

We put evidence into action with policy makers, employers and funders who have the means to make direct, impactful and transformational systems change for young people.

Annual Review 2023

Explore highlights from our work over 2023


The youth employment challenge

Across the UK, the proportion of young people not in education, employment or training remains consistently high.

What is good work?

To make good work accessible for young people, we must strive for a vision of ‘good work’ that is meaningful and meets their needs.

Got a question?

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact us directly.