Discrimination and work: breaking down the barriers faced by ethnically minoritised young people

Half of young people from an ethnic minority background face prejudice and discrimination as they enter the world of work.

The true cost of discrimination at work

In the largest survey of young people from ethnic minority backgrounds carried out in Britain, our latest report reveals that 48% of young people have experienced prejudice or discrimination when seeking to enter the workplace.

Compared to other forms of discrimination, ethnic discrimination is seen as the biggest barrier for young people entering the workforce. With almost over a quarter of the UK’s population below 25 now from an ethnic minority background, this report reveals the stark impact discrimination is having on Britain’s current and future workforce – and why the need for action is critical.

Read the report

Watch our short film series to understand the impact of discrimination and what employers and policy makers can do.




Policy Makers

Message to Young People

“One of the most important findings of Youth Futures’ report is that discrimination comes in many forms – it doesn’t need to be outright discrimination to have a negative impact on a young person’s wellbeing.”

Oscar, Chair of the Future Voices Group

“Employers and policymakers must act now to break down barriers… we cannot succeed as a nation if our young people are held back.”

Lord Woolley

Please join our upcoming webinar where we will discuss key findings and explore strategies for creating more inclusive workplaces.

This is your opportunity to be part of the conversation and drive meaningful change.

We will be posting details of the webinar and a link to sign up in the coming weeks.

Ready to be the change?

See how organisations like PwC are taking proactive steps to combat discrimination in the workplace, ensuring future generations have an opportunity to succeed.

Read more



Our three-year partnership with Business in the Community will turn evidence into action, supporting employers to create a workplace environment that enables young people from ethnically minoritised backgrounds to thrive and progress.

Discover more


Join us in our mission.

If you’re an employer, regional or national organisation that wants to make an impact on today’s workforce, get in touch. We’re here to help. We have resources and guidance that can help you take action.

Connected Futures expansion

We’ve committed to investing in innovative partnerships in up to four places with high levels of unemployed young people from Pakistani and Bangladeshi backgrounds through our flagship Connected Futures programme. Read more about our first partnership with Hamara.

Further reading

See how young people’s experiences have changed since last year by reading our
2022 ethnic disparities report.

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