Multicultural Apprenticeship & Skills Alliance Patronage

Sep 11, 2024

We are proud to become a Patron of the Multicultural Apprenticeship & Skills Alliance.

The Multicultural Apprenticeship & Skills Alliance promotes diversity in apprenticeships, opening up access to meaningful vocational pathways for people from minoritised ethnic backgrounds who have historically been excluded from key professional sectors. The Alliance connects employers and training providers with diverse communities, striving to make employment in the UK more inclusive and representative.

The Alliance bridges the gap between underrepresented groups and the skills industry. As patrons, we join a network of organisations with a shared commitment to making high-quality apprenticeships and skills training inclusive and accessible to people from all backgrounds.

Our research into ethnic disparities and discrimination indicates that apprenticeships and skills training could be a powerful tool for breaking down the barriers to employment faced by marginalised young people. Of 3,250 ethnically minoritised young people we surveyed, 48% said they had experienced prejudice or discrimination when seeking to enter the workplace, and 22% said they would like to see guaranteed internships and apprenticeship placements for ethnically minoritised young people.

Barry Fletcher, CEO at Youth Futures Foundation expressed his optimism about the Alliance: “As the What Works Centre for youth employment, we know apprenticeships have a positive impact on youth employment outcomes, and they present a welcome opportunity for marginalised young people to overcome disadvantage and progress into good work. We are proud to become Patrons of the Multicultural Apprenticeship & Skills Alliance. Together we can learn and develop practice, empowering employers to offer accessible, high-quality vocational training and apprenticeship opportunities to equip young people from all backgrounds to enter and succeed in the workforce.”

Safaraz Ali, Founder of the Multicultural Apprenticeship & Skills Alliance, said: “We are thrilled to welcome Youth Futures Foundation as our Patron. Together, we can drive real impact and provide vital opportunities for young people who have been historically underrepresented in apprenticeships and skills training. Our shared vision for a more equitable future is what makes this partnership so significant.”

Jagdeep Soor, Executive Director at Multicultural Apprenticeship & Skills Alliance, said: We are absolutely delighted to welcome Youth Futures Foundation as a Patron of the Multicultural Apprenticeship & Skills Alliance. Their commitment to supporting underrepresented young people aligns perfectly with our mission to create a more inclusive and diverse workforce. Together, we will drive meaningful change and open new doors for the next generation, ensuring they have the opportunities they deserve to thrive.”

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