What Works Programme

As an established What Works Centre, we are interested in finding out what works to support young people into good jobs, and why. Our What Works Programme seeks to develop clear and robust evidence by evaluating promising or established services that support young people aged 14-24 to overcome multiple barriers into quality employment.

Our evaluation approach is demanding for both grantees and evaluators. We develop robust impact evaluations and trials where possible. Our approach also builds on the Treasury’s Magenta Book, guided by realist insights and underpinned by programme theory so that at every opportunity, we can start to understand the causal drivers of change and outcomes.

We know that organisations vary in their capacity to engage with robust impact evaluations, so we have four main levels of grants in our programme:


Capacity building grants Earlier stage programmes that need a bespoke package of evaluation and organisational support
Development grants Promising programmes that require development and refinement of their intervention to become ready for an impact evaluation
Impact Pilot grants Established high quality programmes that evaluators will test through an observational pilot study and feasibility for a future experimental/impact evaluation
Impact Efficacy grants For programmes ready to undertake a full impact evaluation (RCT, QED or alternative high-quality method)
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In Progress


Location: Greater London
Grant Funding: £191,300
Evaluation Funding: £185,300.00 (divided across 5 grantees)
Evaluator: Ipsos MORI
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building


Grant Funding: £191,300
Evaluation Funding: £185,300.00 (divided across 5 grantees)
Evaluator: Ipsos MORI
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

15billionep is a charity committed to ‘transforming young futures’ through promoting social mobility and raising aspirations among young people. They work closely with employers, local authorities, European agencies and education institutes to understand the labour market and prepare young people for today’s workplace, boosting their job prospects and the calibre of candidates available to potential employers.

Using their grant funding, 15billionebp will provide a range of support to 90 young people at local secondary schools to reduce the number of school exclusions. Each school within the London Borough of Newham will identify a cohort of young people using the Risk of NEET Indicator (RONI) system and school knowledge of the individuals. The project will be delivered to young people from BAME/socio-economically disadvantaged communities who will be enrolled on the project for two years.

Next Phase

1625 Independent People (1625IP)

Location: West of England
Grant Funding: £875,410.64
Evaluation Funding: £239,845.00
Evaluator: Behavioural Insights Team
Evaluation Type: Impact Efficacy

1625 Independent People (1625IP)

Grant Funding: £875,410.64
Evaluation Funding: £239,845.00
Evaluator: Behavioural Insights Team
Evaluation Type: Impact Efficacy

1625 Independent People support young people aged 16-25 who are at risk of becoming homeless or are already homeless through a range of specialist projects and services.

The grant will fund a programme which will support 156 young people aged 16-24 who are care leavers or homeless/at risk of homelessness. The young people will receive 1-2-1 support from ‘Coaches’ over a period of 2-3 years. The frequency and type of support will vary during that period but is based on a youth version of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, called DNA-V.

In Progress

Abbey Access Training

Location: East Midlands
Grant Funding: £410,000
Evaluation Funding: £185,300.00 (divided across 5 grantees)
Evaluator: Ipsos MORI
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

Abbey Access Training

Grant Funding: £410,000
Evaluation Funding: £185,300.00 (divided across 5 grantees)
Evaluator: Ipsos MORI
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

Abbey Access Training aims to contribute to the economic, social and environmental regeneration of the Abbey Ward and its surrounding areas. They deliver this by offering programmes that develop voluntary, training and educational skills and community activities.

With their funding, Abbey Access will support 200 young people aged 16-24 in Lincoln facing a range of barriers, including criminal convictions, mental health issues and most with no Level 1 qualifications. The participants will be provided with wrap-around support on a 12-week course focussing on construction skills and training.



Location: Yorkshire and Humber
Grant Funding: £196,632
Evaluation Funding: £77,635.00
Evaluator: IFF Research
Evaluation Type: Development


Grant Funding: £196,632
Evaluation Funding: £77,635.00
Evaluator: IFF Research
Evaluation Type: Development

CatZero is a youth development charity helping young people that are that are not in employment, education and training (NEET) across the Humber region to overcome personal challenges and lead positive lives. CatZero aims to increase the confidence and self-esteem of young people by challenging them to complete a 12 week programme focused on vocational and adventure-based activities.

With their funding, Catzero will work with 50 young people NEET or at-risk of being NEET, delivering personalised programmes, which will result in 40% achieving EET outcomes. This includes the opportunity for young people to sail the charity’s challenge-class yacht, an intense teambuilding and learning experience before progressing to the move on process, facilitating entry into training and employment.

In Progress

Cumbria Youth Alliance

Location: North West
Grant Funding: £181,092.93
Evaluation Funding: £185,300.00 (divided across 5 grantees)
Evaluator: Ipsos MORI
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

Cumbria Youth Alliance

Grant Funding: £181,092.93
Evaluation Funding: £185,300.00 (divided across 5 grantees)
Evaluator: Ipsos MORI
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

Cumbria Youth Alliance provides infrastructure support for organisations working with children, young people and families. They provide direct support in a variety of settings, schools, alternative provision, youth and community settings.

The funding they have received will enable Cumbria Youth Alliance to support 150 young people to help them work towards achieving their career aspirations through a programme of employability support activities, including individual tailored plans. Further, access to specialist support around mental health, drug and alcohol addiction, increasing soft skills and vocational training will form part of the overall delivery package.

In Progress

Drive Forward Foundation

Location: Greater London
Grant Funding: £354,270.66
Evaluation Funding: £176,320.00
Evaluator: The Policy Institute at KCL
Evaluation Type: Development

Drive Forward Foundation

Grant Funding: £354,270.66
Evaluation Funding: £176,320.00
Evaluator: The Policy Institute at KCL
Evaluation Type: Development

Drive Forward Foundation supports care-experienced young people to achieve their full potential through sustainable and fulfilling employment.

With their funding, Drive Forward Foundation will support 200 care leavers across Greater London. Their employability programme is built around intensive one to one support for young people aged 16-24 with experience of care. The support is provided by Employment Consultants (EC), who work holistically with their clients to provide wraparound support on issues, including career guidance and job search, housing, benefits, and signposting to other agencies/ support.

In Progress

East London Advanced Technology Training (ELATT)

Location: Greater London
Grant Funding: £274,237.67
Evaluation Funding: £158,665.00
Evaluator: Institute for Employment Studies
Evaluation Type: Development

East London Advanced Technology Training (ELATT)

Grant Funding: £274,237.67
Evaluation Funding: £158,665.00
Evaluator: Institute for Employment Studies
Evaluation Type: Development

The charity East London Advanced Technology (ELATT) is a learning community that helps individuals gain skills and enhance existing ones through training, mentoring and employment support.

With their funding, 150 young people aged 16-24 will be provided with an individualised, accessible and holistic programme of learning, self-development, mentoring and career and employability skills development. The Connected Youth programme runs alongside ELATT’s IT Curriculum learning programme (funded separately), which the participants of the YFF-funded programme will also benefit from. The programme works with young people with SEND, ESOL and those with educational health and care plans in East London. 

In Progress

Making the Leap

Location: Greater London
Grant Funding: £298,238.00
Evaluation Funding: £179,855.00
Evaluator: Dartington Service Design Lab
Evaluation Type: Development

Making the Leap

Grant Funding: £298,238.00
Evaluation Funding: £179,855.00
Evaluator: Dartington Service Design Lab
Evaluation Type: Development

Making the Leap is a London-based social justice charity that improves social mobility by raising the aspirations of, and increasing opportunities for, young people between the ages of 11 and 25.

The funding will support their ‘Career Ahead’ project. This project will offer weekly employability sessions to small groups of year 11 students in secondary schools and/or alternate provision within local authority pupil referral units to develop soft skills and readiness for employment with 100 students being supported overall.

In Progress

Newcastle United Foundation

Location: North East
Grant Funding: £170,000.00
Evaluation Funding: £187,529.00 (divided across 4 grantees)
Evaluator: National Centre for Social Research
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

Newcastle United Foundation

Grant Funding: £170,000.00
Evaluation Funding: £187,529.00 (divided across 4 grantees)
Evaluator: National Centre for Social Research
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

Newcastle United Foundation uses football to motivate and inspire people to be more active, learn new skills, be more employable and to reach their potential. They coach, mentor, educate and provide opportunities to a variety of communities across the North East.

With their funding, Newcastle United Foundation will be offering a range of activities using sport to support and engage young people aged 16-24. This programme of activities includes small group work, employability skills workshops, residentials and qualifications as well as mentoring.


North East Autism Society

Location: North East
Grant Funding: £407,509
Evaluation Funding: £188,104
Evaluator: Learning and Work Institute
Evaluation Type: Development

North East Autism Society

Grant Funding: £407,509
Evaluation Funding: £188,104
Evaluator: Learning and Work Institute
Evaluation Type: Development

North East Autism Society provides specialist support services to neurodiverse people, helping enhance their skills and strengths to enable them to flourish independently. They offer a variety of services, including family and residential care, resources and training for professionals.

With their funding, North East Autism will support 195 young people aged 16-19 in Tyne and Wear with autism or other neurodiverse condition. They will run intensive one-to-one and small group support sessions on a weekly basis.

In Progress


Location: East Midlands
Grant Funding: £300,000.00
Evaluation Funding: £185,300.00 (divided across 5 grantees)
Evaluator: Ipsos MORI
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building


Grant Funding: £300,000.00
Evaluation Funding: £185,300.00 (divided across 5 grantees)
Evaluator: Ipsos MORI
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

PATRA Inc ACDA seeks to remove forms of disadvantage that prevent individuals from BME Groups, competing on an equal basis in the labour market.

Using their funding, PATRA This programme will support 40 young people aged 16-24 in Nottingham who are NEET and predominately from African and Caribbean communities. They will be provided with intergenerational and culturally specific wrap-around engagement, mentoring and family engagement through a 13-week, full-time ‘traineeship’ model of career planning and placements. 

In Progress

Pentreath Ltd

Location: South West
Grant Funding: £299,623.45
Evaluation Funding: £185,300.00 (divided across 5 grantees)
Evaluator: Ipsos MORI
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

Pentreath Ltd

Grant Funding: £299,623.45
Evaluation Funding: £185,300.00 (divided across 5 grantees)
Evaluator: Ipsos MORI
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

Pentreath Ltd. is a Cornish charity that supports people living with mental health and emotional difficulties. They offer support to help people believe in their own potential and achieve their vocational goals.

The grant will help develop their Re-Ignite project, which is aimed at young people aged 14-24 living in Cornwall who are experiencing mental and emotional health difficulties that are barriers to progressing towards employment, education and living healthy, happy lives. This programme will support 150 young people and activities include: one-to-one IAG, practical support with CVs and applications, confidence building and work tasters.

In Progress

Royal Mencap Society

Location: West of England; West Midlands
Grant Funding: £300,000.00
Evaluation Funding: £149,664.00
Evaluator: Cordis Bright
Evaluation Type: Development

Royal Mencap Society

Grant Funding: £300,000.00
Evaluation Funding: £149,664.00
Evaluator: Cordis Bright
Evaluation Type: Development

Mencap is a charity that works to improve the lives of people with a learning disability. They offer a range of specialist support services that vary from round-the-clock care to helping someone join in with local leisure activities, providing employment or education advice or helping individuals transition to living independently.

The grant will help support 100 young people aged 18-24 in the West Midlands and South West who have learning disabilities, difficulties or autism. The project will offer young people the chance to be partnered with employers, and supports participants to find meaningful work.

In Progress

Sport 4 Life UK

Location: West Midlands
Grant Funding: £149,890
Evaluation Funding: £187,529.00 (divided across 4 grantees)
Evaluator: National Centre for Social Research
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

Sport 4 Life UK

Grant Funding: £149,890
Evaluation Funding: £187,529.00 (divided across 4 grantees)
Evaluator: National Centre for Social Research
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

Sport 4 Life works with young people aged 11-29 to support them into sustained education, employment and training through their sports programmes, mentoring and structured group-based training activities.

Using their funding, Sport 4 Life will help 910 young people aged 14-24 who are NEET or at risk of NEET through a mentoring programme which focuses on progression into work. The programme will engage them though sport whilst improving life skills and employability skills. As well as this, partner organisations and employers will support the young people through mock interviews and employability workshops.


St Giles Trust

Location: Greater London
Grant Funding: £286,195.00
Evaluation Funding: £211,676.00
Evaluator: Ipsos MORI
Evaluation Type: Development

St Giles Trust

Grant Funding: £286,195.00
Evaluation Funding: £211,676.00
Evaluator: Ipsos MORI
Evaluation Type: Development

St Giles Trust is a charity that provides specialist support for vulnerable individuals and communities, enabling them to overcome the adversity they face.

Grant funding will help run a programme which aims to support young people age 16-24 at risk of, or with experience of, the criminal justice system to overcome disadvantages in accessing education, skills development and employment. Intensive one to one casework support will be delivered on a weekly/fortnightly basis with 150 young people per year being supported of which 70% are from BAME communities.

In Progress

Switch Up C.I.C

Location: East Midlands
Grant Funding: £265,800.00
Evaluation Funding: £187,529.00 (divided across 4 grantees)
Evaluator: National Centre for Social Research
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

Switch Up C.I.C

Grant Funding: £265,800.00
Evaluation Funding: £187,529.00 (divided across 4 grantees)
Evaluator: National Centre for Social Research
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

This programme will support 102 young people aged 14-24 in Nottingham/Nottinghamshire who are NEET or at risk of becoming NEET, and who experience a range of barriers to their employment. A majority of young people supported are from BAME communities.

The project will provide a range of mentoring, counselling, physical fitness (boxing) activities, employability support over typically 12 weeks (although this can vary depending on the young person’s level of need).

Next Phase

The Amber Foundation

Location: South East/South West
Grant Funding: £211,039
Evaluation Funding: £113,628.00
Evaluator: Cordis Bright
Evaluation Type: Development

The Amber Foundation

Grant Funding: £211,039
Evaluation Funding: £113,628.00
Evaluator: Cordis Bright
Evaluation Type: Development

The Amber Foundation is an independent charity that supports homeless and unemployed young people. Amber provides a temporary, safe place to live with up to 90 other young people at one of three residential centres in Surrey, Wiltshire and Devon. There provide a mix of support, structure, new experiences and training that builds their motivation, confidence, self-discipline and skills.

With their grant funding, Amber will work with young people to explore how their work can encourage positive changes to young people’s lives. They will embed a new data system that will enhance their referral process, improve casework management and help measure and evaluate the outcomes that young people achieve.


The Diana Award

Location: Yorkshire and the Humber; Greater London; West Midlands
Grant Funding: £301,248.00
Evaluation Funding: £79,752.00
Evaluator: IFF Research
Evaluation Type: Development

The Diana Award

Grant Funding: £301,248.00
Evaluation Funding: £79,752.00
Evaluator: IFF Research
Evaluation Type: Development

The Diana Award is a charity set-up in honour of Diana, Princess of Wales. The charity continues Diana’s legacy by awarding young people for their positive contributions to society, humanitarian or activist work.

The grant will be used to enhance The Diana Award’s Mentoring and Development programme; it will fund the development and delivery of their 15-18 year-olds age group programme, working with at risk NEETs in Birmingham, Leeds and London. The programme consists of a 12-month experience made up of an initial 12 week programme of support, ordinarily in a school setting, with additional support from a mentor. This is followed by nine months of further mentoring support, a week’s work experience, and the opportunity to join ‘career lounges’ where the young people can engage with a range of employers.

In Progress

The Football League

Location: North West; Yorkshire and the Humber
Grant Funding: £300,000
Evaluation Funding: £187,529.00 (divided across 4 grantees)
Evaluator: National Centre for Social Research
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

The Football League

Grant Funding: £300,000
Evaluation Funding: £187,529.00 (divided across 4 grantees)
Evaluator: National Centre for Social Research
Evaluation Type: Capacity Building

The English Football League runs a variety of community initiatives focusing on raising people’s aspirations and quality of life. Their work spans several areas, including: education and employability, health and wellbeing, participation and community engagement.

Using their funding, The Football League will develop their ‘Training Ground’ project, a multi-region employability programme for 50 vulnerable NEET 18-24 year-olds each year, delivered via Club Community Organisations. They will each provide a tailored 20 hr per week 6-month programme to move participants closer towards and 30% into employment.

In Progress

The Prince’s Trust

Location: England-wide
Grant Funding: £800,0000.15
Evaluation Funding: £350,000.00
Evaluator: IFF Research
Evaluation Type: Impact Pilot

The Prince’s Trust

Grant Funding: £800,0000.15
Evaluation Funding: £350,000.00
Evaluator: IFF Research
Evaluation Type: Impact Pilot

The Prince’s Trust is a charity Charles, Prince of Wales, to help vulnerable young people get their lives on track. It supports 11 to 30-year-olds who are unemployed and those struggling at school and at risk of exclusion.

Their grant funding will support the delivery of the Future Skills Academy Alliance, an alliance that combines IT technical skills training with wraparound support and ringfenced employer vacancies. It will operate in the IT sector and work with five digital sector employers (Google, Facebook, Amazon Web Services, Service Now and UiPath) and their partners such as Generation and Coursera. The aim of this programme is to improve young people’s social mobility, bring them closer to the labour market and unlocked entrepreneurial potential, ultimately supporting them on a journey to economic independence.



Location: North West
Grant Funding: £815,000.00
Evaluation Funding: £149,186.00
Evaluator: IFF Research
Evaluation Type: Impact Pilot


Grant Funding: £815,000.00
Evaluation Funding: £149,186.00
Evaluator: IFF Research
Evaluation Type: Impact Pilot

UpRising is a UK-wide youth leadership development organisation with a mission to open pathways to power for talented young people from diverse and under-represented backgrounds.

With the funding, 400 young people aged 18-25 will be supported by the existing ‘Fastlaners’ programme through an online programme. Young people will benefit from connecting with a trained business mentor to strengthen their competitiveness in the labour market. Specifically, the project will address inequalities exacerbated as a result of COVID-19. The target cohort are BAME and white disadvantaged young people.



Location: England-wide
Grant Funding: £288,750.00
Evaluation Funding: £163,943.00
Evaluator: IFF Research & Belmana
Evaluation Type: Impact Pilot


Grant Funding: £288,750.00
Evaluation Funding: £163,943.00
Evaluator: IFF Research & Belmana
Evaluation Type: Impact Pilot

Volunteer It Yourself combines DIY and volunteering by challenging young people aged 14-24 to help repair and refurbish youth and community facilities, whilst learning vocational trade skills on the job. They also deliver ‘early intervention’ construction sector employability skills and careers training for 10-14 year-olds in schools.

The funding will help 500 young people aged 14-24 on a programme which incorporates work experience on construction sites, careers and taster sessions leading to an Entry Level 3  employability qualification and to further education and employment opportunities. The programme usually lasts three to six months, in which young people gain hands-on site work experience on local community projects, can gain City & Guilds accreditations and have careers sessions and employability workshops with sector relevant employers. 18% of participants will achieve an education, training and/or employment progression within three months of completing their VIY experience.

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