The History of Youth Futures Foundation

This blog details how Youth Futures Foundation came to be. A recommended read for anyone curious about how a new organisation emerged with £90m of funding and wondering what our strategic aims are. The way that Youth Futures Foundation came into being isn’t your usual...
CEO Search: Young people’s verdict

CEO Search: Young people’s verdict

At YFF its been exciting to think about this opportunity about how we can make sure that youth participation is sewn into the fabric of everything that we do in new and innovative ways. We know that this is a process that will take time to embed and only by listening...
YFF North East Tour

YFF North East Tour

Last week we had the pleasure of visiting Newcastle and Middlesbrough, speaking to young people, organisations and services who are working hard to support young people into employment. It was great to see this work first-hand and really get a sense of what’s...
Thought-provoking conversations in Bradford

Thought-provoking conversations in Bradford

What an inspiring, informative and thought-provoking day in Bradford. This morning we were kindly hosted at QED Foundation where Founder and Chief Executive, Dr Mohammed Ali and Deputy Chief Executive, Adeeba Malik spent the morning briefing us on QED’s work...
Lessons on place-based approaches from Talent Match Croydon

Lessons on place-based approaches from Talent Match Croydon

Today we met with the Talent Match Daniel Shoultz and Sonia Archer from London Youth, who were kind enough to share with us their experiences of working with a place-based model. Their innovative employment programme is for 18-24 year olds living or accessing services...
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