How Do I Get Involved
We want to hear about the challenges you’ve faced getting a job or in the workplace, opportunities that have opened up to you or solutions you’ve found which might benefit others.
Join the conversation with us on Twitter @YF_Foundation or follow Youth Futures Foundation on LinkedIn and post your comment.
You can also share your experiences on our website in whatever format you would prefer. For example, this could be through:
- A video
- A podcast
- A written blog
- A poem/ song/ rap
- A drawing / photograph… just about anything (within limits!) – get creative!
We are particularly interested in hearing from young people who identify with any of the following things:
- Black, Asian or ethnic minority heritage (including Gypsy, Roma and Traveller young people)
- White working class background.
- Experience of being unemployed for three months or more
- Growing up in a poorer household
- Experience of being in care
- Having care responsibilities (such as looking after a relative or having a baby)
- Having a special educational need or disability
- Experience of being homeless
You don’t need to come with ready-made content – an idea or interest is more than enough. We will help you to put your piece together and get it developed and published onto the site!
To get in touch, please contact [email protected]