Amanda Mackey

Amanda Mackey

Dr Amanda Mackey is an evaluation researcher with experience in qualitative and mixed-methods research. She has particular interest in questionnaire design and focus groups. Prior to joining Youth Futures Foundation, she worked with STEM Learning on evaluating the...
Jane Mackey

Jane Mackey

Jane is a mixed methods researcher with nearly ten years’ experience working in research and evaluation. At Youth Futures Foundation she is responsible for managing the evaluation of a portfolio of funded projects and exploring what works to support young people into...
Tony Maher

Tony Maher

Tony has a background in data and systems management in charity and international development contexts. He supports the delivery of our Evaluation and Research grants and coordinates the Impact and Evidence Team.  He also has an interest in collecting punk vinyl and...
Alison McIntyre

Alison McIntyre

Alison is a research officer supporting several of our evidence reviews, writing on the youth employment toolkit, and supporting various projects across Youth Futures. In her previous role, Alison was a Youth Programme Coordinator for the National Citizenship Service...
Chris Mitchell

Chris Mitchell

Chris is our Head of Evaluation (Data Lead). He is responsible for designing and managing complex programmes of evidence generation to understand what works to support young people into good jobs, including our second What Works Programme. He also leads on the...
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