Anna shapes and delivers our organisational strategy by leading our stakeholder management and connecting insights to find solutions to drive systemic change. Key to this is developing our relationships with youth and youth employment organisations, public bodies,...
Annum is a Partnerships Manager with an interest in stakeholder engagement and collaboration. Annum supports the delivery of our Youth Futures Foundation Strategy with a particular focus on developing relationships with youth employment organisations, public bodies,...
Eleanor is an experienced project manager and has worked in the youth charity sector for over a decade. In her role as Strategy Manager, she drives our strategic aim to better our understanding of employer needs and influence their role in the youth employment system....
Nishi leads on our engagement with employers, employer groups and partners. We work in collaboration to take an evidence based approach to influence employers on what works in recruiting and retaining young people from marginalised groups. Nish has over 20 years of...
Katy drives our work to influence change in employer behaviour and practice around the recruitment and retention of young people. Building strategic partnerships which enable us to amplify evidence led solutions that deliver behaviour change is a key part of the work...