May 12, 2021
Nature is the theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week, encouraging us all to reflect on the wonderfully positive benefits of getting outdoors and connecting with our natural surroundings. This week is also a great opportunity to step back and think about the impact of the past year on our young people, and the toll this might have taken on their mental wellbeing.
As part of our grants programmes, we work with many incredible organisations that offer invaluable mental health support to young people all over the UK.
- The Proud Trust
The Proud Trust is a life-saving and life-enhancing organisation that helps LGBT+ young people empower themselves to make a positive change for themselves and their communities. As part of their project work, they hope to deliver an employability programme to young people, identifying as LGBT+, whose mental health has been affected by COVID-19. It will support them to improve their life skills, confidence and life situation.
- Youth Access
Youth Access is an advice and counselling network that believes every young person has a right to access free, high quality advice and counselling. They promote the Youth Access YIACS (Youth Information, Advice and Counselling) model as part of local services for young people. Their grant funding will aid its’ education and training programme supporting vulnerable young people. Due to the economic impact of COVID-19, Youth Access is responding to a shift in demand for increased online services offering advice and information centred on employment, skills training, self-employment.
- CatZero
CatZero is a youth development charity helping young people that are that are not in employment,education and training (NEET) to overcome personal challenges and lead positive lives. With their funding, Catzero will work with 50 young people that are not in employment, education and training (NEET) or at-risk of being NEET, delivering personalised programmes. This includes the opportunity for young people to sail the charity’s challenge-class yacht, an intense teambuilding and learning experience before progressing to the ‘move on’ process, facilitating entry into training and employment.
Interested in learning more about our grantees? Find out more here.