Employer Engagement Partnerships: Increasing Apprenticeship Supply

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Working with strategic partners to empower employers to prioritise high-quality apprenticeships for young people 


 “International evidence shows that apprenticeships are an important and impactful way to support young people to access jobs and careers, yet the number of young people participating has fallen significantly in recent years, especially those most marginalised. 

“From the employer side, we want to understand why many are struggling to create apprenticeship opportunities to match interest from young people, and what will help in enabling business to prioritise apprenticeships for their future workforce.”

Barry Fletcher, CEO, Youth Futures Foundation 

What does the evidence say?

Evidence compiled in our Youth Employment Toolkit indicates that for every 10 young people who take part in an apprenticeships, one will get a job who wouldn’t have done so without the targeted support. 

Yet entry-level apprenticeship starts in England have dropped by 72 per cent since 2014/15 according to analysis by Workwhile.   

While employers have expressed aspirations to engage with apprenticeships according to our recent research with CIPD, there is a clear mismatch with the reality of what is on offer for young people. 

For employment to work for all young people, we need to understand what employers can do. 

What are we doing?

As the What Works Centre for youth employment, we conduct high-quality research and collaborate with employers and sector bodies to make evidence-informed decisions about policies, practices and culture that drive systems change.

We are looking to work with two membership or network organisations as Employer Engagement Partners.

With our support, over 18 months the partners will:

  • Explore what challenges employers face with talent mapping and workforce planning in relation to opportunities for marginalised young people, including why level 2/3 apprenticeships are decreasing across sectors
  • Design and deliver sustainable and free assets, programmes, events or campaigns across 2025 and 2026 for to help employers increase apprenticeship starts
  • Co-create a Collective Action Campaign for the wider sector
  • Report and share learnings transparently
  • Develop policy recommendations on apprenticeships

Each partner will receive up to £150,000 of funding.

What are apprenticeships?

Apprenticeships combine paid on-the-job training with off-the-job training, in programmes that usually last for at least a year of full-time engagement.

Apprenticeships range from level 2 up to level 7. Level 2 is often referred to as an intermediate apprenticeship and is the equivalent of five GCSE passes. Level 3 is known as an advanced apprenticeship, equivalent to two passes at A-Level.

Learn more


Partner with us 

We’re currently inviting applications for the partnerships.

Who can take part?

We are looking to partner with two organisations: one that has a focus on large corporate and public sector employers, and another that focuses on SMEs.

Both partners will need to:

  • Have at least 70 active employers in its network, membership, following or movement
  • Reach across England and/or be able to demonstrate how your approach could be replicated across England 
  • Have been in operation for at least three years
  • Have an annual income of at least £250,000 in your last published accounts and the equivalent of at least three months’ operating expenditure in cash reserves 
  • Align with our mission 

In addition, a strong track-record or understanding is desirable in the following areas:  

  • Employer membership and engagement 
  • Apprenticeships  
  • Knowledge mobilisation 
  • Product design 
  • Evidence-informed approaches and data-led decision making 
  • Collaboration and partnership 
  • Campaigning 

Please read our Application Guidance document for a full list of criteria. 


What are the benefits of participating?

By working in partnership with Youth Futures Foundation, the national What Works Centre for youth employment, you’ll: 

  • Receive bespoke support from a dedicated project team throughout the partnership, with regular check-ins, problem-solving and connections to our network 
  • Build your reputation as an evidence-focused and innovative organisation 
  • Demonstrate your commitment to social value and EDI
  • Participate in series of workshops with YFF, designed to empower partners to take an evidence-based approach to design and delivery 
How to apply

Please read the Application Guidance thoroughly.

You can also register for our webinar on 17 September 2024 to find out more about the partnership and application process.

To submit an application, use the online portal

Deadline: Friday 4 October,17:00 (BST)

If you would like to explore working with us in a different capacity, we’d love to hear from you 

You can also sign up to our newsletter below to receive updates on our work, and share this opportunity with your network.

Key dates

Monday 2 September – Expressions of Interest/ Application form opens 

Tuesday 17 September – Informative webinar and drop-in clinic with Youth Futures Foundation team

Friday 4 October – Expressions of Interest/ Application form closes 
W/c 21 October – Interviews for shortlisted organisations

Friday 29 November – Partners appointed

Q1 2025 – Partnerships start

Q3 2026 – Partnerships end 

Our level 2 and 3 apprenticeships are a fantastic way to get new talent into the company and to support those team mebers to grwo into the outstanding educators that we need here." Sophie Hayler, N Family Club

Join us in our mission.

If you’re an employer that wants to make an impact on today’s workforce, get in touch. We’re here to help. We have resources and guidance that can help you take action.

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