Young people with lived experience leading the conversation on the youth employment system

Following the principle of “nothing about us without us”, youth participation is woven throughout our work. Young people from marginalised backgrounds with lived experience of facing barriers to employment help shape our strategy and lead our mission. We believe that the young people who are most affected by the system have invaluable perspective and experience, and therefore must be at the heart of efforts to change it.

Led by our ambassadors – who make up our Future Voices Group – and other young people in our network, this space provides insight and perspective on youth employment from a lived experience lens. 

Get involved

If you’re a young person aged 16-25 and living in England, we want to hear about your experiences or perspective on employment.

Meet Our Ambassadors

The Future Voices Group puts youth voice at the heart of our organisation, feeding into our vision and strategy and advocating for young people on the issue of employment.

Stay in touch

Sign up for the Future Voices newsletter for updates, opportunities and the latest on youth employment issues.
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